Ivan Zavgorodniy

Ivan Zavgorodniy

double bass


Ivan was born in 1984 in Odessa, Ukraine. From 1990 to 2001 He studied at the Odessa Special Musical School named after Professor P. Stolyarskiy, since 1996 in the double bass class of the honored artist of Ukraine, V. Chekalyuk. Later Ivan continued studying in the class of Chekalyuk at the Odessa Music Academy named after A. Nezhdanova.

In 2003 he became the First Prize Winner of the international Evgen Koka Competition in Kishinev, Moldova. He also received two First Prizes (chamber ensembles section – 2003, 2006), and the Second Prize (solo performances section – 2005) of the international Competition “Art of XXI century” in Kiev, Ukraine.

In 2006 Ivan graduated from the Academy with honors and was invited to stay at the Academy as a junior member of the teaching staff.

From 2003 till 2008 Ivan was a member of the National Odessa Philharmonic Orchestra and member of the Double Bass Quartet of this orchestra.

In September 2008 Ivan started to study with the great double bass player and teacher Rinat Ibragimov in the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London.

In September 2009 he won the 3rd prize in ARD’s international music competition.